
Bonnie and Louis’s Wedding Photography at a Private Residence

Event Date: October 7, 2023

Wedding photography at Private Residence at Private Residence

HomeEvent CardsBonnie and Louis’s Wedding Photography at a Private Residence

Congratulations to Bonnie and Louis! This adorable couple celebrated their love at a Private Residence in Southampton, PA, on October 7, 2023. The wedding photography at Private Residence beautifully captured their enchanting autumn wedding!

Louis, resplendent in his black and burgundy attire, shared a toast with his groomsmen while they prepared for the day ahead. Meanwhile, Bonnie looked stunning in a sleeveless white gown, accentuated with a delicate flower in her hair. Later, as Louis leaned casually against a pillar, Bonnie approached him, marking their first tender touch. Afterwards, they exchanged vows, capturing their hearts in the moment of their first look.

Their ceremony unfolded beneath a charming canopy, with Louis eagerly awaiting Bonnie’s arrival before an arch decorated with colorful flowers. With a radiant smile, Bonnie made her entrance, clutching a bouquet bursting with vibrant blooms. They exchanged rings and sealed their love with a kiss, beautifully captured by the wedding photography at Private Residence.

The cocktail hour unfolded outdoors, with food trucks and ice cream truck, offering a diverse array of delights, including freshly baked pizzas straight from the oven. Guests enjoyed the celebration, capturing memories in a lively photo booth. As the evening progressed, the reception continued under the glowing lights of the tent. There, a cupcake tower illuminated by twinkling lights awaited. The newlyweds made a grand entrance, leading into their first dance. The night ensued with joyous dancing and indulging in ice cream treats, followed by a group photo of everyone present, holding sparklers.

Congratulations again Bonnie and Louis! We absolutely love your wedding photography at Private Residence!

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