
Mikayla and Joe’s Wedding Photography at Lakeside at Medford

Event Date: April 20, 2024

Wedding photography at Lakeside at Medford at Lakeside at Medford

HomeEvent CardsMikayla and Joe’s Wedding Photography at Lakeside at Medford

Congratulations to Mikayla and Joe! This lovely couple exchanged vows on April 20, 2024, at Lakeside at Medford in Medford, NJ. Their wedding day was a woodland dream come true, filled with enchanting moments and rustic charm, perfectly documented by the wedding photography at Lakeside at Medford!

As Mikayla prepared for her big day, the calendar marked with their special date adorned her dressing room, a heart symbolizing their love. Once she slipped into her exquisite gown, she shared a moment with her bridesmaids, all stunning in lilac dresses, admiring her beauty. Stepping into a white limousine, Mikayla set off to meet Joe, who awaited her on a wooden bridge. The wedding photography at Lakeside at Medford beautifully captured the moment their eyes met for the first time.

The ceremony took place amidst the serene beauty of the forest. Joe, donning his stylish gray suit, stood eagerly, surrounded by nature’s splendor. The arrival of the adorable ring bearer and flower boy added to the sweetness of the moment. Then, Mikayla made her entrance, a vision of loveliness in her white lace gown, carrying a lush bouquet. Together, they watered a bonsai tree, symbolizing the growth of their love, before exchanging heartfelt vows and sealing their union with a kiss.

The reception venue was transformed into a woodland wonderland, with each table adorned with charming decor. Wood slabs embellished with moss and purple flowers, topped with jars filled with fairy lights, added a magical touch. The newlyweds made their grand entrance. And then they shared their first dance beneath twinkling lights. The evening continued with lively music. Finally, Mikayla tossed her bouquet and the couple cut into a vibrant colorful cake.

Congratulations again Mikayla and Joe! We hope you love your wedding photography at Lakeside at Medford as much as we do!

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