The Party Doesn’t Start Until The Playlist Is Perfect

Have you decided on wedding entertainment yet? Great! Now, it’s about that time to finally create that perfect wedding night playlist you have been dreaming of. First off, you’ve articulately filled your extensive list up with all your favorite party songs and romantic tunes to play at your wedding, however, there’s still one thing missing. It’s all those songs that you absolutely would hate to hear played at your reception! At Enchanted Celebrations, we’ve had lots of practice on figuring out the top songs vs. the total mood killers. Ultimately, that’s why our top wedding DJs NJ crafted this special FREE Ebook just for our couples to get started on their do-not play list. Let’s be real, the party does not truly begin unless the playlist is nothing short of perfection!

Only The Best

Have no fear, our top wedding DJs NJ are here! Our talented team will ensure that only the best songs are played for you and your guests throughout the evening. In addition to your must-have songs, compile a list of your wedding day don’t’s as well. Know of a line dance you can live without? How about a song that you think is just way too cheesy? No matter how popular a song may be, it may not work for every wedding!

A Preview To What’s Inside

Think you can take a guess on some of the worst songs to play during a wedding reception? Did some of your least favorite jams or even the songs you thought would be perfect make our list? Our “Worst Wedding Playlist” Ebook has all the spoilers for you including breakup songs, vulgar songs, and so much more! Don’t let songs like Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance” come on while you are dancing the night away with the love of your life. (Even though we all love her!).  Stay in control of your reception music and communicate with our top wedding DJs NJ to allow for the greatest music out there to shake up your dance floor!

Let’s Brace Ourselves For The Worst…